A downloadable game for Windows

"The first DOSmaku" (that's not actually on DOS)

You are a pilot for the resistance against the evil corporate hegemony, the Rubicon corporation. Free the people of Vyrisia from the tyranny and oppression of the wealthy elites and corporate greed.

Featuring music by Jean Baudin:

Jean Baudin (bandcamp.com)

8 action packed Levels

Over 300 Enemies

3 playable ships. 

Extensive OST by Legendary bassist Jean Baudin

  •  featuring several guest musicians on lead guitar
    • Unique tracks for each of the 8 levels and 15 bosses.

Multiple Gameplay Modes:

  • Arcade Mode:  A 5 level arcade run (run time approx. 30 minutes).  1-hit deaths and instant respawns.  Attempt a 1CC with the highest score possible.
  • Mission Mode: Play the game in mission mode. Play with a 3-hit health bar and load to the most recently checkpoint upon death. Progress is saved to be resumed on the next session.
  • Caravan Mode: Timed mode where waves spawn only after the one before it is completely off the screen. Go for the high score!
  • Practice Mode:  Immediately jump to any boss,  midboss or any level segment to practice for your 1CC run.
  • Multiple Difficulties: 
    • Normal Mode:  A mode for civilized people. A more relaxed (but still challenging) game mode for those who just want to sit back and shoot stuff. 
    • Veteran Mode:  A difficult mode for experience shoot 'em up players.

Extensive Graphic Options: 

We try to create the best graphical experience possible, but no setup can be right for everyone. We believe in giving as many options as possible to help players enjoy our game

  • Selectively disable background items. Don't like the dust in level 3 for instance, you can turn it off.
  • Background luminosity and saturation settings. Find the background too distracting? This setting allows you to dim the entire background or desaturate the colors all the way to grayscale.
  • Explosion/Debris configuration. Adjust the size and amount of the enemy explosions and debris
  • Enemy Bullet Configuration: Adjust color and attributes of the enemy bullets. 
  • TATE Mode: Stellar Fury is a vertical shoot 'em Up and no vertical shoot 'em up would be complete without TATE mode. TATE Mode allows you to flip the game by 90 degrees so that the game occupies the entire screen.
  • Ultra Wide Screen Support: Game will render full screen on ultra wide monitors.

Please note that Stellar Fury is in development. The content presented in the demo is may not be reflective of the final version. Also note that you may very likely uncover bugs. If you do, please  consider reporting these issues to us on our Discord server so we can make Stellar Fury the best it can be. 

Please note that the feature list includes current and future planned features. Not all features may be available in the alpha demo. 

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 Join us on Discord! Follow us on Twitter!

Download demo

stellarfury_b0.9.4.1_07132024.zip 231 MB

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