Changes: Bug Fixes: Fixed bug where combo multipler UI was not udpating in TATE Fixed missing effects form Cobra enemy Fixed a misconfigured collider wi...
Demo 0.9.4 Update Big update on a lot of core game mechanics. The charge shot/special mechanic has seen some significant changes. I discovered that some players...
I've made some minor updates to the demo over this week. They largely address a few bugs found but one important feature was added. Now for caravan mode the cod...
Hello All, Been pretty busy with life lately. Last fall I became a father so a lot of my time has been occupied with that. That said, I still have managed to ca...
Beta 0.9.2 Update: Hey everyone! Been slacking on the devlog updates the past year or so - I have been working on my game regardless. I've had a lot going on th...
In efforts to address some bugs that have been reported (but do not reproduce on my PC). I have issued another small update with fixes. These fixes include -Fix...
Few small bug fixes around practice mode -Setting the variant B bosses/midbosses now spawn the correct version in practice mode -When selecting "Continue Level"...
Hello, We're releasing a pretty big update. This update includes a lot of changes and new content, including an entirely redone scoring system. We're marking it...