Stellar Fury - Alpha 0.25 Roadmap

Last couple weeks been focusing on the changes that will be in our next demo update. These are mostly bug fixes and quality of life improvements. 

Bullet Visibility:

Changed bullet assets to improve overall visibility. Been a long time coming and I've put it off long as I could but I changed the bullet graphics to be more visible. I leverage both light/dark as well as color contrast to make them more easily readable from the players peripheral vision. I added a style option to the bullet config panel and the previous bullet style can be enabled if desired

Expanded Graphics Options:

I've been expanding the amount of graphic options that are available. 

  • Bloom settings can be enabled/disabled per item as well as now having an option to adjust the overall intensity[
  • Explosion/debris size can now be adjusted as well as debris amount
  • Death explosion flashes and bomb flashes can now be turned off[

Practice Mode:

I've begun implementing a practice mode. This is where the player can attempt any section of any level or any boss/midboss:

Beyond this there are a number of bug fixes and optimizations. I significantly cleaned up some of the object pooling to improve load times and decrease memory usage. 


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Great work :)


Godlike updates :)

Thanks! I'm nearly done with all the changes for 0.25. Planning on releasing this after the new years - after everyone has thoroughly nursed their hangovers