Alpha 0.3 Release

Alpha 0.3 Changelog

Most of this past month has been spend on developing new content for later levels that are not in the public demo. That being said, a number of improvements/modifications/bug fixes have been added to the latest version. I've made a number of back end optimizations/changes and I'm concerned that this update introduces more bugs than it fixes - anyone able to test is greatly appreciated!

Software Update:

⦁ Project has been upgraded to use the latest version of Unity 2020 LTS.

Gameplay Changes:

⦁ Various enemy and level modifications

⦁ Boss HP greatly increased

⦁ Changed player shield graphic

⦁ Changed player bullet graphic

⦁ Revised difficulty levels/rank system:

⦁ Difficulty Modes are now: Normal, Veteran, Arcade and Special

⦁ Normal has autobomb enabled (uses bomb instead of dying when hit). Shield pickups grant 3 shield points(max 3. Rank is capped to 5 so no elite enemies will spawn (elite are the black/red versions)

⦁ Veteran disabled autobomb and shield pickups grant 2 shield points (max 2). Rank is also capped to 5 so no elites will spawn. Additional enemy spawns compared to normal.

⦁ Arcade is the same as Veteran except rank is not capped and shield pickups only give you 1 shield point (max 1)

⦁ Special sets rank to max (10) so elites will always spawn. Bomb drop rate is reduced and you cannnot earn extends or shields (Items will still drop but yield points as if they were maxed).

⦁ Point popup graphic changes and movement speed slowed to increase legibiltiy. 

⦁ Points earned from point pickups now are summarized into a single point popup. 

⦁ High rank level bosses now play different music. 

⦁ Destroying midbosses now cancel all bullets fired from it

⦁ Canceled bullets from destroying bosses/midbosses now yield point items like the bomb and double focus special attack.

⦁ Double focus special execution now gives iframes same as bomb attacks

⦁ iframes granted on bombs and double-focus special attacks increased. 

⦁ Practice mode now exits to main menu when the selected section is finished.

Bug Fixes/Optimization:

⦁ Decreases memory and disk space usage. 

⦁ Level 2 boss bug is fixed.

⦁ Practice Mode not playing music has been fixed

⦁ Many UI bug fixes.

⦁ Fixed bug where repeating backgrounds would have gaps.

⦁ Various code optimizations

⦁ Fixed bug where bullet configuration was not saving.

⦁ Removed unused assets

⦁ Fixed bug where not all bullets from bosses are canceled on boss death

Files 194 MB
Jan 30, 2022

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